If you are an internationally educated engineering graduate who wants to work as a professional engineer in Canada, you'll need a P.Eng. licence. That often means passing a series of examinations assigned by professional engineering associations. Refresher courses in mechanical engineering taught online by qualified instructors in a structured learning environment can better prepare you to pass these examinations. This certificate offers this and more. Through live, interactive weekly webinars, you'll review basic principles and solve problems by working through previous examinations and model questions. You will prepare to write the National Professional Practice Examination (NPPE) for P.Eng. license. Employers will value the credential you've earned from a Canadian university. This certificate is offered in collaboration with the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science.
Financial assistance may be available to eligible Ontario residents through the Ontario Bridging Participant Assistance Program (OBPAP) provided by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU). Please email scs.liep@utoronto.ca, or call 905.569.4508 for details.