The growth of globalization means that more enterprises are taking on international projects. Managing these projects successfully often means understanding and working with critical cultural differences. In this program, you'll learn how to respond to the key challenges you'd face as the manager of an international project. You'll develop the leadership skills you need to ensure your team understands your client's expectations and preferences. You'll rise to challenges across logistic, cultural and language divides. You'll learn to avoid outcomes that could cause monetary loss or client dissatisfaction. You'll develop realistic project schedules that reflect your client's degree of tolerance for slippage. You'll learn to negotiate contracts more respectfully and successfully by understanding your client's cultural preferences.
International Project Management
Alternate 2
Alternate 3
Minimum Required
5 Course(s)
Maximum Allowed
0 Course(s)
Alternate 4
Minimum Required
6 Course(s)
Maximum Allowed
0 Course(s)
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