
Course Description

Most process improvement initiatives fail not because of technical issues but because of the so-called soft issues: organization, structure, culture and human and political aspects. This course gives you a framework to analyze why an initiative fails, learn from the experience and recommend change to key decision-makers. You'll learn about factors that often undermine initiatives, including complexity, lack of consensus for action, social challenges and resistance.

Learning Outcomes

  • Diagnose organizational culture and assess readiness for change.
  • Educate and influence key decision-makers and stakeholders to lead change more effectively.
  • Manage intangible factors that often undermine process improvement projects.
  • Organize and execute a large-scale process improvement project within the service industry and the business process sector.
  • Adapt and sustain business processes for changing environments and client needs.


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This course may be applied towards the SCS Certificate(s) in

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Online with Real Time Meetings
May 05, 2025 to Jul 27, 2025
Contact Hours
Delivery Options
Course Fees
Section Notes

The required textbook for this course can be purchased from the following link: https://www.amazon.ca/Leading-Change-New-Preface-Author/dp/1422186431

This course has a webinar component which will be recorded for review. Webinars are scheduled for 60 minutes, however, there may be some variability in length due to the course content covered.

Scheduled Webinar Dates and Times: 

Wednesdays, 8:15pm-9:15pm (May 7, May 14, May 21, May 28, June 4, June 11, June 18, June 25, July 2, July 9, July 16, July 23)

You will receive login information for your online classroom, Quercus (UofT Learning Management Engine) via email.

Go here for information on when you will receive your access information.

For technical requirements, please go here.

Section Schedule
Date and Time TBA
Delivery Options
Course Fees
Section Notes

The required textbook for this course can be purchased from the following link: https://www.amazon.ca/Leading-Change-New-Preface-Author/dp/1422186431

This course has a webinar component which will be recorded for review. Webinars are scheduled for 60 minutes, however, there may be some variability in length due to the course content covered.

Scheduled Webinar Dates and Times: TBA

You will receive login information for your online classroom, Quercus (UofT Learning Management Engine) via email.

Go here for information on when you will receive your access information.

For technical requirements, please go here.

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