
Course Description

Do you need to know more about the Canadian legal landscape as it applies to business? This course offers a general study of Canadian law, both its roots and related case law, with particular emphasis on its application to business. Topics include contracts, commercial transactions, fiduciary relationships, business organizations, torts, assignments, sources of law, Canada's court system, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, professional liability, the Sale of Goods Act, bailment and leasing, agency relationship, sole proprietorships, partnerships and corporations.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the source and basis of the law in Canada and how to interpret both statute and case law.
  • Identify legal issues that arise in your daily business life.
  • Be able to communicate about legal issues and assess the likely outcome.
  • Know basic legal terms used in daily business.
  • Describe the basic elements of torts, contracts and other common business concerns.

This course may be applied towards the SCS Certificate(s) in

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Online with Real Time Meetings
May 01, 2025 to Aug 09, 2025
Contact Hours
Delivery Options
Course Fees
  • Michael Karambatos, B.A., J.D.
Section Notes

Textbooks are required for this class. The Final Exam will be held on the last scheduled day.

Go here for instructions on how to order your textbook.

You will receive login information for your online classroom, Quercus (UofT Learning Management Engine) via email.

Go here for information on when you will receive your access information.

This course has a webinar component which will be recorded for review.

Webinar dates: Thursdays 7PM - 9PM ET.  Please note, there may be variability in length due to the course content covered, a detailed schedule will be available on the Quercus course site.

For technical requirements, please go here.

Section Schedule
Date and Time TBA
Delivery Options
Course Fees
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