4095 - B2B Marketing: Fueling Revenue Growth
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Course Description
With business-to-business (B2B) sales now outpacing sales to consumers, organizations need people who can craft dynamic, data-driven B2B strategies that drive growth and achieve revenue goals. In this course, you will learn to develop customer-focused content that aligns to marketing strategies and use multiple indicators to measure and evaluate the business impact of your efforts. You will explore key tactics that modern B2B marketers leverage across the buyer’s journey and learn how to collaborate with sales teams to satisfy shifting buyer demands.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course, you'll be able to:
- Design a data driven B2B marketing strategy that achieves revenue goals and drives business growth
- Understand key tactics that modern B2B marketers leverage across the buyer’s journey
- Practice effective techniques to build strong relationships with sales teams, emphasizing the critical role of collaboration and communication in achieving B2B marketing success
- Develop content that is customer centric, educational, and aligns to your marketing strategy
- Measure and evaluate the business impact of your marketing efforts, using both leading and lagging indicators
This course may be applied towards the SCS Certificate(s) in
- Marketing : Elective, electives option 1, electives option 2, elective option 3
- Marketing - Advanced : Main Courses
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