2811 - Tools & Techniques of Ecommerce/Online Business
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Course Description
This course prepares you to start and run an online business. You'll learn market research, website design, online marketing and web analytics. Find out how to drive high-quality traffic to your website through search engine optimization (SEO), social media presence and online advertising tools and how to measure and tune website performance. Learn to manage content and relationships and oversee online marketing and business operations.
Learning Outcomes
- Use the most common and important ecommerce/online business tools.
- Understand web-based market research.
- Learn new approaches to customer-experience management.
- Get to know website design.
- Use tools to design and manage an online marketing program.
2810 Online Business Fundamentals & StrategiesThis course may be applied towards the SCS Certificate(s) in
- Ecommerce and Online Business Management : Required
- Marketing - Advanced : Main Courses
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