3041 - Bringing Consumers to Life: Qualitative Research
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Course Description
Learn how to reach and understand consumers using qualitative research techniques, including online focus groups and mobile technology. In this course, you'll explore the steps of qualitative research, including how to define a focus group's target, create a discussion outline and interpret results. You'll help organize mock focus groups and then watch discussions that show qualitative research in action. Case studies will illustrate successful and unsuccessful product introductions. By the course's end, you will appreciate and understand marketing research as an integral part of innovation.
Learning Outcomes
- Commission the right qualitative marketing research for each situation.
- Design your own qualitative research and consumer focus group.
- Interpret results of qualitative research and apply the findings to business questions.
- Understand new qualitative research techniques.
- Leverage marketing research to introduce a product or service innovation.
Terms Offered: Winter*
*Please note that course offerings are contingent on a variety of factors and that unforeseen circumstances may require an occasional course cancellation or other change of plan.
3040 Foundations of Marketing Research
This course may be applied towards the SCS Certificate(s) in
- Marketing - Advanced : Main Courses
- Marketing Research : Required Courses
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