
Course Description

Learn to deliver business presentations with impact and build your confidence in this five-week micro course, the companion to 3197A Speaking Publicly with Confidence and Clarity. You'll structure step-by-step presentations, from opening to summary, that people can follow easily. Harness images that transform mundane information into something more compelling as you learn how to pitch yourself and your ideas.

Within 4-6 weeks of successfully completing this course, you will receive your micro-credential indicating achievement of the outlined learning outcomes and competencies/skills. Micro-credentials are tamper proof, verifiable, blockchain-based and 100% digital. They can be shared on social media, including LinkedIn and Facebook, embedded in websites or downloaded as PDFs.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this micro course, you'll be able to:

  • Create modern and sleek presentations and visuals.
  • Understand how to make a unique value proposition.
  • Apply strategies to presenting numbers impactfully and simplify complex ideas
  • Create a step-by-step presentation structure.
  • Understand the elements of a good pitch that compels interest and buy-in.

Competencies/skills developed in this micro course include:

  • Presentation Design
  • Presentation Skills
  • Presentation Structure


3197A Speaking Publicly with Confidence and Clarity and 3197B Powerful Pitches and Presentations (combined) are equivalent to 3197 Business Presentations and Public Speaking. 

Eligible learners may apply to the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) for this micro-credential. You can find more information on our Financial Aid page.

This course is recognised by the following association(s). Click on the association name for details.

This course may be applied towards the SCS Certificate(s) in

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Online with Real Time Meetings
6:00PM to 8:00PM
Mar 27, 2025 to May 01, 2025
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
Delivery Options
Course Fees
Section Notes

Textbooks are not required for this class.

You will receive login information for your online classroom, Quercus (UofT Learning Management Engine) via email.

Go here for information on when you will receive your access information.

This course has a webinar component.

Please note that for this course section attendance to the live webinars is MANDATORY. You will be required, in every class, to participate in discussions, give feedback live, to present in front of the class and in small groups using audio and video.

This means that you will be required to have both a working camera and microphone for each webinar.  

Live webinars will be conducted weekly on Thursdays from 6:00PM - 8:00PM ET.

No Class on April 10, 2025

For technical requirements, please go here.

Online with Real Time Meetings
6:00PM to 8:00PM
Jul 02, 2025 to Jul 30, 2025
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
Delivery Options
Course Fees
Section Notes

Textbooks are not required for this class.

You will receive login information for your online classroom, Quercus (UofT Learning Management Engine) via email.

Go here for information on when you will receive your access information.

This course has a webinar component.

Please note that for this course section attendance to the live webinars is MANDATORY. You will be required, in every class, to participate in discussions, give feedback live, to present in front of the class and in small groups using audio and video.

This means that you will be required to have both a working camera and microphone for each webinar.  

For technical requirements, please go here.

Section Schedule
Date and Time TBA
Delivery Options
Course Fees
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